Our mission is to provide encouragement and the HOPE of Jesus Christ to all. From households to the homeless, we provide free food, clothing and resources to anyone in need.

HOW We Provide HOPE

  • Every Monday, House of Hope hosts Market Monday. Families, widows, and homeless residents from across Brevard County are able to come to our facility and pick out food. Because of our partnership with Second Harvest Foods and our donors, we are able to provide 2-3 meats, 4-6 cans, 1-3 bread options plus much more!

  • The House of Hope Bike Shop is geared towards people who are homeless and in need of transportation. Any donated bike gets fixed up by one of our volunteers and then those in need of one can apply for a bike. Once someone receives a bike, they are able to bring it back to the shop for any repairs. If the bike is stolen, it can be replaced if a police report is provided.

  • Our volunteer nurses set up a table every Monday to provide free services for anyone in need. Services include: Blood Pressure Checks, Wound Care, Free Over the Counter medication and consultation and more. Our counselors and Chaplains are on site as well to discuss any personal or spiritual battle anyone may be facing.

  • House of Hope’s boutique is an extension of our food ministry. After our guests collect their food, they are able to come to the Lord’s Boutique and pick our clothing, household items or decor, books, and more!

  • Our transitional housing helps men who have just completed rehab to have a stable and safe living environment.

  • The House of Hope exists solely to glorify God and to spread the Gospel. Throughout the week there are various bible studies and men’s groups available. Studying the word of God together as a community has provided life changing opportunities for many who are part of the House of Hope family.

The House of Hope Food and Clothing Ministry changes lives through love and service in action. For 25 years, we have worked to exemplify the love of Christ by providing food, clothing, compassion, and encouragement to those in need. Starting in an apartment building in 1998, House of Hope now operates in the old Post Office building on Magnolia Ave, serving and feeding approximately 2,000 people per week. Among House of Hope’s greatest strengths is a devoted, all-volunteer staff representing several local faith congregations. Along with food donations from local grocers and businesses, our ministry is 100% donor funded. We offer a wide variety of resources and know the most important thing we could ever give is the heart of God.





Stephen Young

Cindy Young

Cal Burch

Hank Pearson

Leon McDaniel

Joan Albert

Gordon Burleson

Audrey Cottrell

Pam Hill

Joyce Hesse

F’liss LeBon

Rich Ryals